[solidcore] – that’s it

Taken from website

Taken from website

K- A couple of months ago I was looking for a workout to add to my dance classes, occasional running, biking and walks with the dog and found [solidcore]. After looking through their website it completely intrigued me as I felt it was something that would completely kick my ass and I always like a good challenge. I wasn’t disappointed.

I had read somewhere that [solidcore]. was like Pilates on steroids but I wouldn’t quite say that. They do use reformer-type equipment that is called a “megaformer” but I would say the workout is a lot more than Pilates and not for the completely unfit to start out with. In its FAQs it says “The class is definitely challenging, and if you haven’t worked out in over six months, or ever, this might not be the workout for you. We recommend you be able to hold a plank for 60 seconds before coming to take a class. [solidcore] is the most intense workout you will ever have.” And I completely agree with that!

Taken from website

Taken from website

The first class I attended I was very excited. I showed up to the studio, put my stuff in one of their lockers and looked around. They have towels, hair bands and bobby pins in case you forgot to bring yours and water fountains to fill up your water bottle -which I did but didn’t have time to take a drink until after the class. There are mirrors on the wall in front of you and in back so you can check your form during the workout and above the mirrors (as well as in the “pit” are inspirational words). The studio also has showers.

Before class began, the instructor went over the equipment with me and each new student while others joined the class. She checked us in and got to know each of our names, which she would use to encourage us through the workout. The workout itself is intense as it’s constant slow movement (unless you are holding an exercise, midway) so no momentum can be used. I admit, I had to take breaks here and there and my legs began to shake while doing lunges (I thought the girl on my one side was ready to cry). Through the whole 50 minute workout the instructor was enthusiastic, encouraging and helpful as she came by to correct form.

Taken from website

Taken from website

At the end of the workout the instructor asks you to high-five your neighbor on a job well done. I felt every muscle that I worked out and are exhausted – which was fantastic, although I confess there were times mid-workout where I felt “done” but kept pushing through and was glad I did.

Since my first class, I’ve attended two other classes and each one has been different but a tough and rewarding workout. I intend to continue but since it is a bit pricey for me, it won’t be as often as I would like but think it’s a great occasional supplement to my other activities.

If you are looking for a workout challenge I would definitely recommend giving it a try.

They have three locations in Washington D.C. and