Blast from the Past: The Legwarmers

LW3I remember watching Happy Days as a kid, thinking, “Wow – the 50s. It was SUCH a long time ago.” I recall loving the characters, fashion, music and all of the things that seemed to make it a distinctive decade. Yes, the show was a total caricature, but to those who didn’t experience it first-hand, it was history. Audiences at the time ate it up, latching onto the poodle skirts, letter jackets and, of course, the Fonz. Now the shoe is kind of on the other foot and I’m wondering, is this how the 80s are viewed?

I went to see the Legwarmers over the weekend at the State Theatre in Falls Church. Billed as “the Ultimate 80s Tribute Band,” they pumped out everything from Huey Lewis and the News to Guns n’ Roses. There were few breaks between songs, allowing for… more songs. They performed in character, dancing with a one-two, side-to-side snap step that would have made Footloose-era Kevin Bacon very proud. During the show I realized I was singing along to every song. I mean, every single word. Even the songs I remember not liking back in the day. My head was filled with 80s lyrics that had been locked away for years. It took just one night to access all of this data. (Incidentally, this deluge has resulted in the complete deletion of some phone numbers, birthdays and possibly an entire year of college).


So, here’s the kicker: the audience. Everyone dressed the part. Big hair, big shoulder pads… Martha Quinn, one of the original MTV VJs said recently, “It was the Texas of decades. Everything was big.” She was not wrong. I didn’t get the memo on attire. I wore what I would on any given Friday night and I was definitely the odd girl out. Sadly, I chucked all of my 80s stuff about 5 years ago thinking, “I’ll never have use for these white, leather, high-heeled, fringe ankle-boots.” Oh, how wrong I was.

Even more impressive than the time warp apparel was the remarkable demographic spread… early 20s to mid-50s. All realizing simultaneously that it is, indeed, hip to be square. The difference though, was this: for those in their 20s it was dress up. For us, it was nostalgia.

80s night at State Theatre

The Legwarmers routinely play venues in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. They are returning to the StateTheatre the last weekend in June (2013). For an evening of lighthearted fun, I’d recommend looking into it. The people watching begins early with pre-show drinks next door at Clare and Don’s Beach Shack.

