Sea Pearl @ Mosaic

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Photo from Sea Pearl website

K- Last Saturday, C and I met for lunch at Sea Pearl. For whatever reason, I was trying to decide between Sea Pearl and Gypsy Soul – completely forgot about True Food Kitchen, which I really want to try – and ended up making reservations at Sea Pearl as their menu looked quite interesting.  I always make reservations, especially on the weekend as I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry and sometimes, like this time, we are one of the very few people in the restaurant.

Our table was by the window, which was quite nice and our server was quite prompt. I ordered the crab and corn chowder with crisp wontons only to be told that they didn’t have that but they did have a sweet corn soup with crab, bacon and crispy wontons so I ordered that minus the bacon for my first (yes, I hear those of you gasping at my sacrilegious decision of no bacon.)  For my entrée I chose the lobster crepe with shitake mushrooms, green onions, coconut milk, red chili, potatoes hash and sautéed spinach and a cucumber Bloody Mary to sip with my meal.

The cucumber Bloody Mary arrived with a large spear of cucumber rather than a spear of celery thus the cucumber part I’m assuming. It was good, but not very spicy or “tomatoey.” The sweet corn soup wasn’t very sweet, it wasn’t very anything – well, bland. There was a “sprinkling” of crab, which was also bland and of course the crisp wontons, which were nice and crisp.  I was hoping the crepe would add a bit of “zip” to the meal with the red chili but was sadly disappointed. To be honest, I don’t know if and where the red chili part was in my lunch.  The potatoes hash, I did like that – nothing spectacular, but it was good and the spinach was a bit flat.

Overall, for me, the Sea Pearl wasn’t a “pearl” however I had a great time hanging out with C and catching up.

C – These look amazing, don’t they?  IMG_2011Meh. The ricotta fritters with vanilla and lavender honey were just OK. And that was mostly because of the honey. The taste was lacking — like nothing at all, actually — and the rest of my meal was the same. I also had the lobster crepe and, as someone who never salts or peppers, I was looking for the shakers. They weren’t there, or on any table. I didn’t bother to ask. The experience was more about the company anyway.

The atmosphere was nice, though I was surprised to see the dining room so empty at 1:30 on a Saturday. All of the other restaurants at Mosaic are usually packed on the weekends. Perhaps I was served an unusually dull meal, or maybe I made a poor choice, but my instinct tells me lack of flavor may be why we didn’t have to fight for a seat.

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Sea Pearl Restaurant & Lounge
8191 Strawberry Lane, #2
Falls Church, VA  22042


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