Happy Holidays!

2 Girls in DC wishes you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are off enjoying the season with family and friends.  Have a wonderful holiday and safe travels.  We will see you in January!

We will still be on Twitter so please visit us there @2girlsinDC.

Farmers Fishers Bakers – Our new go-to place for pre-theater dining

IMG_2576C – Getting in and out of the Kennedy Center can be a bit of a pain, and once you’re there, your dining options are limited. K and I went to Farmers Fishers Bakers at Washington Harbour before heading out to La Boheme, and I have to say, it kind of worked for us.

The hook at FFB – can I call it FFB? – is “Farm to fork.” Related to Founding Farmers on Pennsylvania Avenue, FFB serves dishes with ingredients sourced from American family farmers in a creative, eco-friendly setting. You might think that means it’s pretentious, but think again. It’s all quite casual. Prices vary, but you can get away pretty inexpensively if you want. (My favorite, the Detroit Deep Dish w/Meatball is only $11, and it’s massive!) The choices are varied. Feel like sushi? They’ve got it. Steak Frites? No problem. Jambalaya? You bet.

Detroit Red Top

Detroit Red Top

I’d recommend starting with the Bread and Broths. It’s exactly as it sounds, but with a remarkable amount of roasted garlic.


Bread and Broths


As for entrees, K had the Cauliflower Steak & Risotto which satisfied her need for a no meat entree quite well. On the traditional steak side, the 5oz Butcher’s “Butter” Rib Cut is excellent, and small enough so you don’t have to roll away after the meal.


Cauliflower Steak


The Virginia Peanut Butter Mousse and Floating Smith Island are the only deserts I can vouch for. Both good, but given the choice, I’d go for the mousse again.



Finally, or maybe I should have started with this, the cocktails. It’s a crazy assortment of craft beers, wine and insane drinks. They have a proprietary line of spirits, “Beer Cocktails”, and a Signature Tiki Redux section, which scares me a little. The Zombies come with a limit of how many a customer may have: two.

Farmers Fishers Bakers
3000 K Street NW
Washington Harbour
Washington, DC 20007

Luncheon with a purpose

IMG_2586K- In DC, there are many opportunities to volunteer your time to help a worthy cause or two. I volunteer for the Washington Humane Society and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Annual Ball.  I enjoy helping out these commendable causes but I’ll admit that it can sometimes be a challenge as far as time management as I also have a full-time job as well as this blog.  However I have found that the people who run these non-profits are appreciative when people volunteer, completely understand time constraints and will work around them so you can still help out where you are able.

Last Thursday the Leukemia Ball had its Holiday Luncheon sponsored by BB&T at the Army Navy Country Club, to talk about the upcoming ball. An huge annual event that takes months of planning.

The 2015 Leukemia Ball, sponsored by Pharma, is a massive event and since 1988 has raised nearly $52 million for the fight against leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. One of the ways the Ball raises money is through a raffle. This year Mercedes-Benz donated two cars to be raffled off: grand prize, C400 4MATIC Sedan and first prize GLA250 4MATIC SUV at $100 a ticket.

The black-tie event, held each year, hosts approximately 2,000 guests and entertains them with various artists; this year’s entertainment is Jim Gaffigan, the comedian, and Michael Cavanaugh.

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If you’re interested in the event click here.

John Leguizamo in the House

IMG_2581K – There are so many things to do in the DC metro area. It amazes me the opportunities we have, especially for entertainment.  We have concerts from artists such as Pink to Chris Botti, operas like “La Boheme and many others such as Cirque de Soleil and “Spamalot.”

Last weekend I went to see John Leguizamo who has been in recent movies such as “Chef” with Jon Favreau and Sophia Vergara, test out his new one man show “Latin History for Dummies” at the Robert E. Parrilla Performance Center. The theater was pretty packed, which was great to see.

His opening act, Ricky Velez, was really funny. I’m never too sure about opening acts so my expectations weren’t very high. But he turned out to be hilarious – though I’m sure some of his schtick offended some people but that usually happens at most comedy shows.

John’s show was okay. The funniest parts were when he talked more about personal stuff such as his uncle explaining things to him, his mother calling him at inopportune times or growing up. It was very funny and ironic when he was talking about his days in high school and in a class with a particular teacher – a woman hollered out that she went there too and had the same teacher -and totally surprised him.

His “History for Dummies” was funny at the beginning, when he was talking about Aztecs and Spanish conquistadors but as it went further in history to WWI and WWII it seemed to struggle and John seemed to lose his steam. Also, he used quite a bit of Spanish in his show, which makes sense with the topic, however I’m not sure if those who didn’t speak the language could understand some of the jokes.  I’m certain as he tests his show and fine tunes it will become better. Either way it was a great evening and I would go seem him again. Aye, mijo!


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