Welcome Back

IMG_1601K- Wow! Can’t believe it’s September already, where did the summer go? You know summer is considered gone when the Halloween decorations are on display in the stores, which I still find shocking and annoying as it’s just the beginning of September and Halloween isn’t until end of October. It almost takes the fun out of the holiday. Sadder yet, we’ll soon see Christmas and Chanukah decorations.

Besides that, it seems that it was another cool summer. Sure, we had a few days where it was hot and humid but it seemed the lower temps and rain ruled. I’ve read that there is an expectation of a very cold winter this year – ugh, I hope not. I’m not one for the cold – or snow! Well, unless I’m at home with the fireplace going and lots of blankets.

We hope to bring you more restaurant reviews, places to go and other things happening in the DC area – feel free to send us suggestions too. Welcome back from your summer vacation and look for our posts every Wednesday!

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