EU Open House 2014


C – One of my favorite annual events took place this past weekend. Once again, EU Embassies threw their doors open to the public for EU Open House. This is the third time I’ve attended this event and I think I finally have it cracked. Here are some tips for next year:

  1. Plan to arrive at your first embassy by 9:45. The event starts at 10 and people start lining up early.
  2. Go to either the Embassy of France or the British Embassy first. Understand that it’s one or the other. Both draw long lines. We chose the UK and were able to sail through the residence in great comfort. By the time we left, the line was at least 45 minutes to tour the residence.
  3. Drive or take the shuttle to Massachusetts Avenue and you can hit several Embassies in one go. We got through the UK, Italy and Denmark, but you can also walk to Finland, which is a must see.
  4. Understand that, really, you can only do 4 embassies before you get tired and cranky.
  5. Do Sweden last. It’s so off the beaten path that it’s not that crowded. Plus, they have a nice setup there: free snacks from IKEA, a charming seating area and live music. The rooftop is worth the trip.

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Until next year!

EU Open House
Every May on the weekend closest to Europe Day

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