Brasserie Beck – It’s got mussels!

K – Brasserie Beck, I can sum it up in one word – YUM! Cute brasserie with blue and white decor, wood tables and good food. I had the classic white wine mussels with garlic, parsley and cream. They were very tasty however I will say I wasn’t too fond of the cream part – I think it made it a bit heavy. I’m used to having the white wine and garlic be in more of a “broth” than a cream sauce. But it was still good and the frites were nice and crispy and went well with the Gulden Draak beer I had. For dessert was the chocolate cake – mmmmm – I had that with a coffee, not the beer! Service was good, our waiter was most helpful and he’s the one that suggested the Gulden Draak (they have a huge beer menu), which was an excellent suggestion. Overall, although a bit pricey, I would go back.

C – First of all, I got lost on the way. So, word to the wise: ignore your GPS. Brasserie Beck is actually really easy to find: 1101 K St NW. If you’re taking Metro, get off at McPherson Square, cut through Franklin Park and it’s just 2 1/2 blocks East. When I got there, the first thing I did was order a beer. I have no idea what I was drinking. Sorry. I asked the waiter for something Pilsner-y or Lager-y and, like magic, the perfect beer to go with my post-GPS battle arrived. I had the mussels as well and I agree with K, the sauce was a bit heavy. For dessert? Again, I don’t remember… because I had like 3 of those beers. Thank goodness for K who actually remembered what she had. Otherwise, this would be a sad little review. I did take a snapshot of it. I seem to recall it was REALLY fantastic chocolate awesomeness. The perfect end to a lovely meal.


Chocolate awesomeness

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